University of Mysore
University of Mysore
University of Mysore
Date Of Publication: 25-Jun-2024
Name of Journal: Physica Scripta
Volume No/Issue No/Page No: 99/7/75041 -
Date Of Publication: 26-Sep-2023
Name of Journal: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Volume No/Issue No/Page No: 526/2/2920 - 2923
Date Of Publication: 14-Sep-2023
Name of Journal: AIP Conference Proceedings
Volume No/Issue No/Page No: 2852/1/130002 -
Date Of Publication: 02-Nov-2022
Name of Journal: JETP LETTERS
Volume No/Issue No/Page No: 116/5/275 - 280
Date Of Publication: 10-Sep-2022
Name of Journal: Pis'ma V ZhETF
Volume No/Issue No/Page No: 116 /5/273 - 275
Date Of Publication: 30-May-2022
Name of Journal: Physica Scripta
Volume No/Issue No/Page No: // -
Date Of Publication: 01-May-2022
Name of Journal: Journal of Physics; Conference Series
Volume No/Issue No/Page No: 2156//012213 -
Date Of Publication: 01-May-2022
Name of Journal: Proceedings of Science
Volume No/Issue No/Page No: // -
Date Of Publication: 05-Apr-2022
Name of Journal: Materials Today: Proceedings
Volume No/Issue No/Page No: // -
Date Of Publication: 26-Nov-2021
Name of Journal: Materials Today: Proceedings
Volume No/Issue No/Page No: // -
Date Of Publication: 13-Sep-2021
Name of Journal: 12th Int. Particle Acc. Conf
Volume No/Issue No/Page No: // -
Date Of Publication: 14-Sep-2017
Name of Journal: International journal of quantum information
Volume No/Issue No/Page No: 15/6/1750042 -
Date Of Publication: 09-May-2013
Name of Journal: International Journal of Modern Physics E
Volume No/Issue No/Page No: 22/5/1350030 -
Date Of Publication: 07-Mar-2007
Name of Journal: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Volume No/Issue No/Page No: 34/4/661 -
Date Of Publication: 04-Nov-2006
Name of Journal: Physical Review C
Volume No/Issue No/Page No: 74//052801 -
Date Of Publication: 12-Apr-2006
Name of Journal: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Volume No/Issue No/Page No: 32//17 - 21
Type of the Program: Symposium
Role: Presenter
Title: Target vector analyzing power in d(~ , n)p at astrophysical energies
Organising Institution:
Type of the Program:
Role: Participant
Title: Modern Tools in Material Characterization
Organising Institution: Department of Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Engineering, Christ University, Bangalore
Type of the Program: Seminar
Role: Participant
Date: 2024-10-03
Organising Institution: Christ University
Type of the Program: Seminar
Role: Participant
Date: 2024-09-14
Organising Institution: Presidency University
Type of the Program: Seminar
Role: Participant
Date: 2023-12-09
Organising Institution: Presidency University
Type of the Program: Seminar
Role: Participant
Date: 2023-03-08
Organising Institution: Christ University
Type of the Program: Seminar
Role: Participant
Date: 2022-07-29
Organising Institution: Intellectual Property Office, India
Type of the Program: Symposium
Role: Participant
Date: 2022-01-08
Organising Institution: Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam, Tamilnadu
Type of the Program: Symposium
Role: Co-presenter
Date: 2021-12-01
Organising Institution: BARC, Mumbai
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Presenter
Title: Model independent Analysis in (gamma, n) reactions using Deuterium Targets
Date: 2021-11-19
Organising Institution: NMAM Institute of Technology, NITTE
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Participant
Title: Theoretical Studies on Pion Photoproduction on Deuterons
Date: 2021-09-05
Organising Institution: LIP, Lisbon, Portugal
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Presenter
Title: Theoretical Studies on Pion Photoproduction on Deuterons
Date: 2021-09-05
Organising Institution: LIP, Lisbon, Portugal
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Presenter
Title: Model independent approach to photodisintegration of 7Li at the range of energies of interest to BBN
Date: 2021-08-26
Organising Institution: IFIC Valencia and University of Valencia
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Participant
Date: 2021-08-26
Organising Institution: IFIC Spain and University of Valencia, Spain
Type of the Program: Seminar
Role: Participant
Date: 2021-07-22
Organising Institution: Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam, Chennai
Type of the Program: Seminar
Role: Participant
Date: 2021-07-17
Organising Institution: MMK and SDM Mahila Maha Vidyalaya
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Co-presenter
Date: 2021-06-07
Organising Institution: Osaka University, Japan
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Presenter
Title: Tensor Analyzing Powers in Coherent Pion Photoproduction on Deuteron
Date: 2021-06-07
Organising Institution: Osaka University Japan
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Presenter
Title: Near Threshold Pion photoproduction on Deuterons
Date: 2021-05-24
Organising Institution: Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), Brazil
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Co-presenter
Date: 2021-03-05
Organising Institution: Willingdon College, Sangli
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Moderator/Chair
Date: 2020-12-09
Organising Institution: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Keynote Speaker
Title: Deuterium-a probe to unlock the secrets of early Universe
Date: 2020-12-09
Organising Institution: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Presenter
Title: Theoretical Studies on Photodisintegration of Lithium with Unpolarized Photons
Date: 2020-12-07
Organising Institution: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Moderator/Chair
Date: 2020-12-07
Organising Institution: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Type of the Program: Seminar
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-07-20
Organising Institution: Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore
Type of the Program: Seminar
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-07-06
Organising Institution: Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore
Type of the Program: Seminar
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-06-24
Organising Institution: RV College of Engineering
Type of the Program: Seminar
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-06-18
Organising Institution: AISSMS College of Engineering
Type of the Program: Seminar
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-06-15
Organising Institution: Maharaja Sayagirao University, Gujarat Science Academy, Indian Physics Association, Indian Association of Physics Teachers
Type of the Program: Seminar
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-06-09
Organising Institution: Mar Baselios Institute of Technology and Science and Mahatma Gandhi University
Type of the Program: Seminar
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-06-05
Organising Institution: BMS College of Engineering and Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology
Type of the Program: Seminar
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-06-02
Organising Institution: ST. Pious X Degree and PG College for women in association with Luminescence Society of India and Sinsil International
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Presenter
Title: Tensor Analyzing Powers in \gamma + d → d + \pi^0
Date: 2019-12-23
Organising Institution: University of Lucknow, Lucknow
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Presenter
Title: Model independent approach to inelastic photo pion production on deuteron
Date: 2019-12-23
Organising Institution: University of Lucknow, Lucknow
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Presenter
Title: Final state spin polarization in pp -----> p\Delta+
Date: 2019-12-23
Organising Institution: University of Lucknow, Lucknow, UP
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Presenter
Title: Theoretical Studies on Proton Polarization in Photodisintegration of Deuterons
Date: 2019-12-19
Organising Institution: Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bengaluru
Type of the Program: Symposium
Role: Presenter
Title: Model independent approach to d + \gamma ---> n + p for \gamma beam monitoring.
Date: 2018-12-09
Organising Institution: Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy
Type of the Program: Symposium
Role: Presenter
Title: N-N Spin Entanglement in Photodisintegration of Deuteron with 100% Linearly Polarized Photons
Date: 2018-12-09
Organising Institution: Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy
Type of the Program: Conference
Role: Presenter
Title: Importance of isoscalar amplitudes at astrophysical energies
Date: 2018-05-24
Organising Institution: Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bangalore
Type of the Program: Symposium
Role: Presenter
Title: Role of isoscalar amplitudes in d + ~γ (gamma) → n + p
Date: 2017-12-20
Organising Institution: Christ University
Type of the Program: Symposium
Role: Presenter
Title: Recoil neutron polarization with circularly polarized photons in photodisintegration of deuterons at astrophysical energies
Date: 2016-12-05
Organising Institution: Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy
Name of the Program: Distinguished guest lecture program
Date: 2023-08-19 00:00:00
Name of the Institutions: K S Institute of Technology
Name of the Program: Alumini Faculty Programme
Date: 2020-02-22 00:00:00
Name of the Institutions: M. M. K. & S. D. M. Mahila Mahavidyalaya
Name of the Program: Six day Faculty Development Programme on Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Science for Engineering Applications
Date: 2019-07-23 00:00:00
Name of the Institutions: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Name of the Program: Five day Faculty Development Programme on Recent Trends in Applied Sciences with Engineering Applications
Date: 2019-01-26 00:00:00
Name of the Institutions: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Name of the Program: Two Days Faculty Development Program on Research Proposal Preparation towards PhD admission programmes
Date: 2016-05-25 00:00:00
Name of the Institutions: K S School of Engineering and Management, Bangalore
Name of Student: ASWATHI V
Institutions: Christ University
Month & Year: February 2022
Name of Student: KUSUMA M
Institutions: Christ University
Month & Year: July 2021
Institutions: Christ University
Month & Year: July 2021
Name of Student: Aswathi V
Institutions: Christ University
Month & Year: June 2019
Name of Student: Venkataramana Shastri
Institutions: Christ University
Month & Year: December 2019
Investigator(s) : SHILPASHREE S P
Sponsors: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Laboratory Accreditation Process
Name of the Organiser: Christ University
Level: Institutional
Role: Participant
Date: 2024-09-26 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Mooc: Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
Name of the Organiser: Coursera
Level: International
Role: Participant
Date: 2024-06-12 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Curriculum Design and Revision
Name of the Organiser: Christ University
Level: Institutional
Role: Participant
Date: 2023-12-05 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Leadership workshop
Name of the Organiser: Christ University Higher Education Leadership Institute
Level: Institutional
Role: Participant
Date: 2023-11-24 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: FDP-1
Name of the Organiser: Christ University
Level: Institutional
Role: Participant
Date: 2023-06-26 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: The CU Regulation for Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment
Name of the Organiser: Christ University
Role: Participant
Date: 2023-02-14 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Leadership Discussion on Global Benchmarking and Advisory Council for Educational Institutions
Name of the Organiser: Christ University
Level: Institutional
Role: Participant
Date: 2023-01-04 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Faculty Development Programme I -2022
Name of the Organiser: CHRIST (Deemed to be University
Level: Institutional
Role: Participant
Date: 2022-07-06 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Magntoelectric Composites
Name of the Organiser: Department of Physics
Level: National
Role: Participant
Date: 2021-06-23 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: 30M Training
Name of the Organiser: CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
Level: Institutional
Role: Participant
Date: 2021-06-21 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: 30M Training
Name of the Organiser: CHRIST (Deemed to be University
Level: Institutional
Role: Participant
Date: 2021-06-21 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Faculty Development Programme I -2021
Name of the Organiser: CHRIST (Deemed to be University
Level: Institutional
Role: Participant
Date: 2021-06-16 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: International Workshop on Stress & Coping: Strategies to De-Stress
Name of the Organiser: Women Empowerment Cell
Level: International
Role: Participant
Date: 2021-06-12 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Pilot workshop on Gnuplot
Name of the Organiser: ICT at IIT, Bombay
Level: National
Role: Participant
Date: 2021-05-22 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Hybrid Teaching
Name of the Organiser: CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
Role: Participant
Date: 2021-03-02 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Microsoft Teams - 30M Training
Name of the Organiser: CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
Level: Institutional
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-07-09 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Physics of Materials
Name of the Organiser: Jain Deemed to be University
Level: National
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-06-28 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: The BodhiTree and SAFE Tools for Effective Online Teaching: A Hands-On Workshop
Name of the Organiser: ICT at IIT, Bombay
Level: National
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-06-20 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Online Quiz in English Grammar
Name of the Organiser: CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-06-13 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Alternate Learning-Post Covid Digital Era
Name of the Organiser: C.B.BHANDARI JAIN COLLEGE
Level: National
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-05-29 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Intellectual Property Rights
Name of the Organiser: C.B.BHANDARI JAIN COLLEGE
Level: National
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-05-28 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Government Relief Measures during Covid 19
Name of the Organiser: C.B.BHANDARI JAIN COLLEGE
Level: National
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-05-27 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Advanced Instructional Strategies in the Virtual Classroom
Name of the Organiser: Coursera
Level: International
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-05-01 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Online Teaching
Name of the Organiser: CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-04-22 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: MOOC: How to make a MOOC
Name of the Organiser: Coursera
Level: International
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-04-15 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Material Behaviour
Name of the Organiser: Coursera
Level: International
Role: Participant
Date: 2020-04-15 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Workshop on Capacity Building for Constructive Alignment
Name of the Organiser: Christ (Deemed to be University)
Level: Institutional
Role: Participant
Date: 2019-10-04 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Capacity Building for Consultancy and Evaluation Practices
Name of the Organiser: Academic Staff College
Role: Participant
Date: 2019-05-20 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Workshop on Fuel Cell Technology
Name of the Organiser: Christ (Deemed to be University)
Level: Institutional
Role: Participant
Date: 2018-12-17 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Author workshop on "How to write and Publish Scientific Articles and Manuscripts"
Name of the Organiser: Springer Nature and Christ (Deemed to be University)
Level: Institutional
Role: Participant
Date: 2018-06-12 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Frontier areas in Subject and Curriculum Updation
Name of the Organiser: Christ (Deemed to be University)
Role: Participant
Date: 2018-05-21 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Teaching, learning and Evaluation
Name of the Organiser: Department of Sciences and Humanities
Role: Participant & Presenter
Date: 2017-05-22 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Research Proposals and Statistical tools application
Name of the Organiser: Sciences and Humanities (Engineering)
Role: Participant & Presenter
Date: 2016-11-16 00:00:00
Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training Programme: Handling of HPLC, GC and GC-MS at Azime Biosciences, Bangalore
Name of the Organiser: Department of Sciences and Humanities (Engineering), Christ University
Level: Institutional
Date: 2016-05-23 00:00:00
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: External Question paper setter
Description: Question paper setting
Organisation: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Month/Year: 27 January 2022
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: Paper Evaluation
Description: Evaluation of End sem papers
Organisation: Reva University, Bangalore
Month/Year: 15 February 2022
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: External moderator for valuation
Description: Third evaluation of end sem answer scripts
Organisation: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Month/Year: 24 March 2022
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: BOE Member
Description: External paper evaluation
Organisation: Reva University, Bangalore
Month/Year: 28 July 2022
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: BOE - Question Paper Setter for Jan-Feb UG 2021 Examination- DSCE
Description: Question paper setting- Nano Science and Technology
Organisation: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Month/Year: 02 January 2021
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: BOE Meeting - Feb 2021- DSCE
Description: BOE Meeting - scrutiny of question papers -17PH7IENST and 17HS7IEUHV
Organisation: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Month/Year: 02 February 2021
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: Valuation - Mar 2021 - DSCE
Description: Paper valuation - subject- Nano Science and Technology -17PH7IENST
Organisation: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Month/Year: 15 March 2021
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: Lab Examiner - Mar 2021 - Reva University
Description: Lab examiner for Electronics lab 1 (M.Sc. Physics)
Organisation: Reva University
Month/Year: 22 March 2021
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: External Lab examiner
Organisation: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Month/Year: 19 April 2021
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: External BOS Meeting
Organisation: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Month/Year: 15 September 2021
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: BOE - Paper Setter for Dec 2020 examination- Reva University
Description: Question paper setting - Electronic Devices
Organisation: Reva University
Month/Year: 02 November 2020
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: Keynote Speaker
Description: Guest talk in an International conference
Organisation: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Month/Year: 09 December 2020
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: Session Chair
Description: Chaired a session for paper presentations in an International conference
Organisation: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Month/Year: 09 December 2020
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: BOE Member
Description: Question paper setting for other University
Organisation: Reva University, Bangalore
Month/Year: 16 November 2019
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: BOE Member - Presidency University
Description: Question paper setter for end sem examination PHY101
Organisation: Presidency University Bangalore
Month/Year: 03 December 2019
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: BOE Member - DSCE
Description: Question paper setter for Nano Science and Technology
Organisation: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Month/Year: 20 September 2019
Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others: Lab Examiner - DSCE
Description: Appointment as External examiner for Physics Practical exam
Organisation: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Month/Year: 28 November 2019
Type of Book:
Title: Proceedings of the XXV DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics (HEP) Symposium 2022, Springer Proceedings in Physics
Title of Book/Chapter/Article: 7Li Photodisintegration with Circularly Polarized Photons
ISBN: 978-981-97-0288-6
Month/Year: July 2024
Type of Book:
Title: Springer Proceedings in Physics
Title of Book/Chapter/Article: Theoretical Studies on d(γ,p)n at Astrophysical Energies
ISBN: 978-981-97-0288-6
Month/Year: July 2024
Type of Book:
Title: 66th DAE Symposium On Nuclear Physics
Title of Book/Chapter/Article: Tensor target analyzing powers in coherent π0 photoproduction on deuteron
Month/Year: December 2022
Type of Book:
Title: Proceedings of the 65th DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics
Title of Book/Chapter/Article: Model Independent Approach to Coherent Photo Pion Production on Deuterons
ISBN: 818372084-6
Month/Year: December 2021
Type of Book:
Title: In Pursuit of Excellence: A Tribute to G Ramachandran
Title of Book/Chapter/Article: Deuteron Photodisintegration and its application to Astrophysics
ISBN: 978-93-91408-34-3
Month/Year: October 2021
Type of Book:
Title: Progression in Science, Technology and Smart Computing
Title of Book/Chapter/Article: Theoretical Studies On 7Li+ ϒ → 6Li+n At Energies Of Interest To Astrophysics
ISBN: 978-81-948061-2-7
Month/Year: June 2021
Type of Book:
Title of Book/Chapter/Article: Final state spin polarization in pp -----> p\Delta+
Month/Year: December 2019
Type of Book:
Title of Book/Chapter/Article: Tensor Analyzing Powers in \gamma + d \to d + \pi^0
Month/Year: December 2019
Type of Book:
Title of Book/Chapter/Article: Model Independent Approach to Inelastic Photo Pion production on Deuterons
Month/Year: December 2019
Type of Book:
Title of Book/Chapter/Article: Role of isoscalar amplitudes in d + gamma -> n + p
Month/Year: December 2018
Type of Book:
Title of Book/Chapter/Article: Model Independent Approach to d + gamma -> n + p Beam Monitoring
Month/Year: December 2018
Type of Book:
Title of Book/Chapter/Article: N - N Spin Entanglement in Photodisintegration of Deuteron with 100% Linearly Polarized Photons
Month/Year: December 2018
Type of Book:
Title of Book/Chapter/Article: Target Vector Analyzing Power in d(gamma, n)p at Astrophysical Energies
Month/Year: December 2015
Bangalore Kengeri Campus
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