Health Centre

Health Centre

The Centre for Counselling and Health Services has 3 Health Centres in strategically placed locations on Central Campus. The Health Services are available from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm during the week and during the working hours of Saturday. The team comprises 4 nurses and 1 medical doctor. Ambulance Services are available 24×7 in case of any emergencies requiring hospitalization

The three Health Centres provide first aid and basic health services to students, support staff and faculty with the aim of enhancing the overall productivity of students, teaching and non-teaching staff, by ensuring good health for all and providing the added benefit of reducing the need for absenteeism on account of minor illnesses that require the consultation of a GP

To sensitize the CHRIST community to relevant health issues and thus contribute to the university’s mission of holistic development of the individual.

The Health Services team has also organized Blood Donation Camps in association with St. John’s Medical College Hospital.

The team communicates important and currently relevant health information through campus TV, emails, handouts and the university website, especially in the event of a health crisis (eg Swine Flu epidemic, Dengue ,Coronavirus Pandemic) in and around the Christ community

In December every year, the team hosts Apurva to commemorate International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3rd. The event is given much publicity and aims to achieve the promotion of equality through diversity and inclusiveness.

Blood Donation Camp

The Health Centre along with the CSA –SLCU conducted a Blood Donation Camp at Christ in collaboration with St John’s Medical College Hospital on 23rd August, 2019. Over 500 volunteers registered as volunteers. The camp concluded with a total donation of 138 units of blood.


Observing International Day of People with Disability

Every year, the Health Centre conducts Ap?rva to observe International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Over the years, the celebrations have included inspiring talks by persons with disability or persons working in the field of diversity and disability, poster campaign competitions, carnivals, visit by students with disability from Akshadha Foundation, webinar during the pandemic, etc

COVID 19 Responses

The Health Centre Team has been available both online and at campus during the COVI-19 Pandemic. Besides this, multiple Awareness Programmes on COVID-19 both for the students and staff were conducted through the year 2020-2021.

These include the following online programmes:

19 June 2020

Understanding the Pandemic -an overview

7 August 2020

Mental health and coping in the time of the Pandemic

25 August 01 September 2020

NCDs and COVID-19:-How to identify and deal with non-communicable diseases in the time of the pandemic. Part -1 and II

20,24,27 October 2020

COVID-19 Prevention – Awareness for Security Personnel and Housekeeping Staff