Centre for Publications


What we do

Publishing 7 Internationally peer-reviewed journals

Publishing books, research articles & reports of the University

Inculcating a research culture through training and workshops

We run 7 peer reviewed, open access journals

Tattva – Journal of Philosophy - Bi annual

Indexed in

Mapana – Journal of Sciences - Quarterly

Indexed in

Atna – Journal of Tourism Studies- Bi annual

Indexed in

Artha – Journal of Social Sciences - Quarterly

Indexed in

Ushus – Journal of Business Management - Quarterly

Indexed in

CULJ – Christ University Law Journal - Biannual

Indexed in

We are indexed in EBSCO, PROQUEST, Library of Congress, Ulreich’s Periodicals Directory, Index Copernicus International and many others. We are members of CrossRef. Our journals have Editorial Board members from across the globe with high scholarship repute. A large number of libraries, institutions and individuals subscribe to our journals. Click here to know more about our journals

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We offer internships to our student community to enhance their knowledge and skills in different aspects of publishing that range from editing, proofreading, graphic design, blogging, social media, podcasting etc. The students also gain exposure to the world of publishing through workshops.


The Centre also conducts skill enhancement and capacity building workshops for faculty and students in research writing, publications, proofreading, using social media for publications etc. Many of these are also student driven as we encourage peer-learning.

Kannada Sangha

Kannada Sangha is our wing for promoting Kannada literature. We are proud that we have published over 250 books in the Kannada language over the past 3 decades.

The Centre for Publications was started in the year 2001. As years go by, we try to innovate our practices. We are currently exploring different dimensions in digital publishing and adding interactive multimedia applications to publications.

Let the world now read you!

Come pay us a visit or contact us:

The Coordinator,
Centre for Publications, Ground Floor, Central Block,
CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore Central Campus
Ph: +91 80 4012 9027


Find us on Insta: @centreforpublications
Blog: centreforpublications.christuniversity.in


To create a platform for quality and accessible knowledge dissemination.


Bring out journals, books, working papers, reports, conference proceedings, textbooks, monographs, translations and case studies, in print and digital media to promote knowledge dissemination and production.

Reach Us

Dr Rathi M
Co-ordinator CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
Kannada Sangha Department of Kannada,
CHRIST (Deemed to be University),Hosur Road, Bangalore – 560029
Tel:+91 80 4012 9312
Email: rathi.mt@christuniversity.in

Centre for Publications
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
Hosur Road, Bangalore – 560029
Tel : +91 80 4012 9027
Email: publications@christuniversity.in